Saturday, August 23, 2008

I won't let it be a year...

Without posting again. I think my fan base went from one to zero in the last year. Not many if you're counting heads, but 100% if you're into statistics. Either way, not some time to be proud of. But here I am, I'm back.

For those in the know, it's been a year of downs, more downs, downs again, and a whole bunch of ups. Hey, a lot can happen in a year. Without re-capping the whole thing, here's a few highlights. First, this guy turned one:

And now, he's almost two:

His dad also has another year of parenting under his belt. For those who aren't parents, parenting experience years are to work experience years what dog years are to human years. It's about 7 or 8 times the learning, stress, laughter, tears, frustration, reward and most of all fun.

I also decided to try my hand at working for a smaller organization. I had to leave a Bell and a whole bunch of really good friends behind, but overall I'm so glad I did it. Working at Edentity for a little over 3 months now has been like putting my career on a new diet and fitness regime. I've cut out a whole bunch of the stuff that was slowing me down. As a result, it's a happier career, slimmer, trimmer, and much more nimble. I'm meeting a whole new breed of people in a different industry, and most of all, I feel good about what we do. If you're thinking it's only been 3 months and the honeymoon's not over, I hope to prove you wrong... stay tuned.

I saw a new part of the world earlier this year too. Imagine letting yourself fall in love again, and waking up to this scenery for almost a week:

That was Costa Rica. Oh, and if you're wondering how I could visit Costa Rica while eliminating coffee from my diet, I didn't. Coffee was added back in around October of last year. So much for that!

I also made it to cottage country for a week this year. The stars must have aligned because we managed to pick a stellar week amidst the summer of rain. I think we had pretty much the only rainless week of the whole summer up there. Don't know what we did to deserve that luck, but we took full advantage of it.

So fan(s), I'm back. I hope you'll be back too, frequently.